Moderate comments before publishing

25 April 2017 - The latest - Comment -

Very easy to moderate all comments that come across your blog before publishing, so you have the possibility to refuse publication of any of them, we recommend that you keep this option to prevent the automatic publishing of inappropriate comments.

How to activate this service?
Very easy, just enter your administration panel and go to Settings, once there click on "Blog" and check the box next to find the phrase "Moderate Comments" remembers "Save" the changes, and press "Show web".

You can find more help in our Online Helpdesk Arcadina.

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Create categories and organize them in the order you want

25 April 2017 - The latest - Comment -

Now you can organize your items by subject also help you classify your work so that users can find what they are most interested in a single click.

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Create new articles and edit them anytime

25 April 2017 - The latest - Comment -

How to create a new entry?

Enter the administration panel, go to the Blog tab menu, there you will find a list of posts (entries), to create a new entry you should click on the "New" button, and it will load the panel creating entries, see the following fields to fill in your information:

- We will write the post title.
- We will choose to publish or not.
- We will choose the publication you want to appear next to the entry.
- We will select and/or create the category.
- We will write the text of our post or article.
- We will add pictures to the gallery of the post.

Remember that post are displayed by date of publication in descending order, newest first.

Finally, we must remember to save and check the box "posted" if we want at that time. If you click Save, the post is stored on the system without it look even. If you choose the option to post, the post will be visible on the front page of the blog.

Very important to follow this advice: we must be careful not to cut and paste from Word. It is preferable to cut and paste first "Notepal" to remove formatting marks.

You can find more help in our Online Helpdesk Arcadina.

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Load all the photos you want with one click

25 April 2017 - The latest - Comment -

One of the major improvements that you can use from now on, is the massive load of images with a single click.

From now the images associated with an entry are managed like a gallery, a method that you know very well in the management panel of your website, you can add all the images at once, change the order in which shown, decide what you want to be published and delete those that do not show interest.


 Arcadina - Website with blog for photographers


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 Online Helpdesk Arcadina.

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Choose how many entries you want displayed per page

25 April 2017 - The latest - Comment -

Choose the items you want to appear on your blog by page, from 1 to 10. Think that if you have lots of pictures, take a little time to load the page, so we recommend show 5 items per page.

How to activate this service?
Very easy, just enter your management panel and go to Settings, once there click on "Blog" and choose from the dropdown menu you'll find next to the phrase "Posts per page" the number of tickets you want to show, remembers "Save" the changes, and click "View web".


You can find more help in our Online Helpdesk Arcadina.

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